There is a skin relief all natural body butter that can nourish and protect the skin naturally. Check out these options here!
Other Natural Options!
Results are not guaranteed, of course, but if this protocol is followed rigorously, any symptoms should be minimal.
Organic calendula officinalis extract. A 2004 French study compared calendula officinalis with trolamine (one of the ingredients listed in the Biafine above) for radiodermatitis. The researchers found the calendula to be better than the trolamine for the prevention of acute dermatitis in postoperative patients undergoing radiotherapy for breast cancer. A 2006 Japanese study also revealed that calendula officinalis has anti-cancer properties. Doesn’t it make much more sense to use an ingredient with anti-cancer properties than something known to be toxic and to disrupt hormones?
Organic aloe vera gel. The gel from the aloe vera plant has long been known for its burn healing properties, and it is a natural antiseptic. Native populations where the plant grows have used it for burns and wound healing for centuries. You can snap off one of the fleshy leaves of the plant and use the gel that oozes out, but it is much easier to use a commercially prepared organic aloe vera gel. Try to find one with 98-99% aloe vera gel and make sure it doesn’t have any harmful ingredients (which is why organic is recommended).
Organic lavender essential oil.Lavender essential oil is excellent for healing burns and wounds. It is known to have been used for this for a century, and probably much longer. During World War I, lavender was used to treat soldiers with burns in military hospitals. Lavender has natural anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic (pain relieving), and anti-tumor properties.
Organic coconut and/or hemp seed oil– Awesome for helping to heal burns, the fatty acids and antioxidants in coconut oil are also excellent for adding moisture and protection to the skin. 2008 Indian research confirms that coconut oil helped to heal partial thickness burn wounds in rats.
Organic hemp seed oil is also amazing for skin and wound healing. It has over 540 different phytochemicals that give it anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-cancer, and neuroprotective properties. You can use coconut or hemp seed oil interchangeably.
How to Use These 4Â Healing Substances
Starting one to two weeks prior to starting treatments, use the four items listed above, as described below in Method of Use. Do this once per day. Once radiation begins, ONLY AFTER each radiation session, use the four items listed above. If there is time, do it later in the day as well or just prior to going to bed.
After Radiation Treatment Ends:
Continue using the four items as described, once daily, for two weeks after cessation of radiotherapy treatments (and longer if you desire).
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